Gold Japan BtoB Advertising Award-Winning Web Design Company e-bird, Inc.


ToyoShingoTushinsyaResponsive site

  • 株式会社東洋信号通信社

We accurately grasp ship movements and port conditions, and deliver a wealth of information tailored to our customers’ needs. We created the website for Toyo Signal & Communication Corporation, which provides total support for maritime logistics.
Toyo Signal & Communication Corporation is a company with over 85 years of history, founded in 1932 when Yokohama’s International Signal Station and Kobe Ship Notification Company merged.
The company is committed to providing accurate information on ship movements,
providing information on ship movements and ship operation support services.
It is also the sole domestic agent for SIKA, a German company with a long history of making marine thermometers, and AS-Schneider, a German company that handles marine supplies as well as industrial valves that have been adopted by petrochemical plants and power plants.
The company is taking on new challenges in a variety of areas.


Client ToyoShingoTushinsya .inc
Tag Javascript / Website-pc / Website-web / Coding / Corporate / Consulting / Website-sp / Branding / Responsive
Country JAPAN